U.S. #505 Color Error in Block of 9

U.S. #505 Color Error in Block of 9
    U.S. #505 5c Color Error in Block of 9
    Single error in block of nine, natural s.e. at top, #505 is MNH, top 2c stamp is hinged

    Error caused by en-entering the 2c Plate No. 7921 with the wrong master transfer roller. The 5c transfer roller was mistakenly used to re-enter positions U.L. 74, U.L. 84 and L.R. 18 in the 2c plate to repair tthose subjects. The plate was printed in the normal rose color, resulting in a 5c stamp in the wrong color (is should be blue)
    Scott Catalog Value for Single stamp is $625.00

    Code: USSH505blk9*VAULT
    Price: $495.00
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    U.S. #505 Color Error in Block of 9 U.S. #505 Color Error in Block of 9