Scott Revenue Pages Pt 2

Scott Revenue Pages Pt 2
    Shipping Weight: 4.00 pounds
    U.S. Revenue Pages - Part 2
    Part 2 contains spaces for Cordials & Wines (RE), Fermented Fruit Juice (REF)*, Playing Cards (RF), Silver Tax (RG), Cigarette Tubes (RH), Potato Tax (RI), Tobacco Sales Tax (RJ), Narcotic Tax (RJA), Consular Service Fee (RK), Customs Fee (RL), Motor Vehicle Use (RV), Boating (RVB), Camp (RVC)*, Trailer Permit (RVT)*, Distilled Spirits Excise Tax (RX)*, Firearms Transfer Tax (RY), Rectification Tx (RZ)*, Postal Note (PN), Postal Savings (PS), Savings (S), War Savings (WS), Treasury Savings (TS). Page layouts have been updated to eliminate connected boxes and all boxes have been sized to accommodate stamp mounts. Content additions to Part 2 are identified in the above list by an asterisk (*). Other additions to Part 2 include Scott RG34, Scott RI14-RI18, Scott RJA27A, RJA29A and RJA29B. Expanded spaces have also been provided for Narcotic stamp imperforate and rouletted varieties. Pages are punched for both the 3-ring and 2-post Scott binders. (102 Pages)

    Code: 160RVN2
    Price: $59.99

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